Web Hosting in Zimbabwe – Flexible Pricing Plans

$3 Per Month/$ 18 per year
- Essentials web hosting package
- 5GB Storage
- 5 Email Accounts
- Unlimited bandwidth per month
- Webmail, POP and IMAP
- Mailing lists
- Softaculous script installer
- 1 Click RV Site Builder
- CPanel Enabled
- 99% Uptime Guarantee
- 5 Databases
- 5 FTP Accounts
- 5 Subdomains

$6 Per Month/$36 per year
- Enterprise web hosting package
- 10GB Storage
- 10 Email Accounts
- Unlimited bandwidth per month
- Webmail, POP and IMAP
- Mailing lists
- Softaculous script installer
- 1 Click RV Site Builder
- CPanel Enabled
- 99% Up Time Guarantee
- 10 Databases
- 10 FTP Accounts
- 10 Subdomains

$8 Per Month/$45 Per Year
- Corporate Web hosting package
- Unlimited Storage
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Unlimited bandwidth per month
- Webmail, POP and IMAP
- Mailing lists
- Softaculous script installer
- 1 Click RV Site Builder
- CPanel Enabled
- 99% Up Time guarantee
- Unlimited Databases
- Unlimited FTP Accounts
- Unlimited Subdomains
Industry Leading Features
Lightning Speed
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Amazing Interface
Bold Security

Excellent Hosting
You can choose a hosting package which offers just enough resources to get your company online.

Managed Pricing
We have the perfect plan to suit your business’ needs and your budget.

Spread The Word
The beauty behind our profit-sharing model is that we truly want you to succeed and there’s no limit on the passive income you can earn! We’re here to help.
Completely Flexible Hosting
Every Site We Host Enjoys The Full Range Of Features
We offer affordable, secure, robust web hosting suitable for all website types including personal blog, business startup websites, company websites, organization websites, online shops and E-commerce solutions.
All our web hosting plans come with the latest personal cpanel control panel, access to webmail and softaculous script installer for easy one-click installation of WordPress, Joomla. Drupal, Magento, Prestashop, and other CMS’.
We offer FREE ticket, email and live support to all our web hosting customers. Once you sign up with us, we will transfer your website to our servers for FREE.
Frequently Asked Questions
When you purchase an account with a web hosting company, one of the services you receive is a certain number of dedicated email accounts for any domain hosted on that account. Some web hosting companies give you one email account, or 20 email accounts, or unlimited email accounts. Those email accounts are managed from the control panel of the web hosting and you can set up email accounts, change their passwords, and set up email forwarders, all from that control panel. You can also set up a dedicated email account to send from a web-based email service like gMail or an offline service like Outlook.
Disk space refers to the total space available for a user to store files on at any time. Files may be any type – HTML, images, videos – and at any single given time, the total file size may not exceed the disk space. How much disk space you need is dependent on what type of media and interactions you’ll be hosting through your site. Your email account’s storage is also counted in disk space, so if you have large files that will sit in the account, that will boost your disk space needs. Remember that although you might not need much space now, you want wiggle room to expand and grow in the future, without switching hosts.
IP addresses are used to uniquely identify a website or computer. Any device that is connected to the internet is automatically assigned an IP address. IP stands for Internet Protocol, which is simply the practice through which data is transmitted over the internet. When a computer or web server is connected to a network it is given an IP address that separates it from all other devices on the network. An IP address is a string of numbers separated by dots that appear in the following format – If you are connected to the internet right now then you have an IP address assigned to you.
IP address are crucial to internet communication because they dictate where a request for information is sent to. For example, if a web site visitors your site and clicks on a button, information is sent from their IP address to your web server. In order to return the proper information the web server will need to know the IP address of your computer
Subdomains are actually extensions of a website that are primarily used to separate and categorize web site content. The address of the subdomain appears before the main domain name. For example – subdomain.example.com. It does not cost money to add a subdomain to your web site, and many web hosting providers allow the use of unlimited subdomains.
By creating a subdomain you are actually creating a separate web site within your site, which can be used as its own independent directory. When content is uploaded to the subdomain via FTP, a new FTP account should be created for the subdomain to facilitate quicker access to the site’s directories and files
Server uptime is a term used to describe the amount of time that a web server is fully functional and online. When a server crashes or goes offline, all of the web sites hosted on it are also rendered useless until it the problem is repaired. Thus, server uptime is direct indicator of the reliability and consistency of a web hosting provider.
Most web hosting providers have a seal posted on their web site that guarantees more than 99 percent uptime. While this may seem appealing, the truth is, most companies do not live up to this promise. If you have been experiencing frequent downtime then you may want to switch web hosting providers. Every time your site crashes you are potentially losing money. This is especially true if you are operating an eCommerce web site
Best web hosting services in Zimbabwe
Web hosting near me is a common concern. “How do I find web hosting near me in Zimbabwe?” That happens to be a common and unfortunate question. You do not need to be physically close to your web hosting company. Finding a web hosting company close to you is not necessary. You do not have to find the web hosting close to where you live but just to find a reliable service. It is an online service and you can get it even from abroad. What you need is a reliable web host like Express Media Web Hosting. Wherever you are located in Zimbabwe or indeed anywhere in the world, you can enjoy the best web hosting services Zimbabwe has to offer.
Buying Web Hosting Services in Zimbabwe
Various processes are used by Google to rank sites which number in the hundreds or thousands almost instantaneously. The process which Google uses are called algorithms. A search inquiry which is submitted to Google is checked by an algorithm which goes through the index and in turn produces a list of websites which match the search. These are called organic results for Google search. The organic results are based on the popularity, prominence and relevance of inbound links which are selected and ranked.
Various off-site and onsite factors are considered in the algorithm in order to identify websites which contain content which is relevant to the search. It then adds all the websites and ranks them according to their prominence. By considering the various factors on site and off site, the algorithm proceeds to rank the websites starting with the ones which best answer the search query and lists them on top of the search results.
By improving your site SEO, you take deliberate steps to influence the prominence, relevancy and link popularity factor for the website. By optimizing the important aspects of the site’s digital footprint, a site can appear higher up in search results.
To know more about Google search contact us
When you enter a search phrase into Google, it then analyses various signals from websites or ranking factors such as the relevancy of the site to the search item in order to compile a list of sites which match the search query.
Most people have the misconception that Google actually does a live search of the entire internet when a search query is typed in the search bar. On the contrary, what happens is that it searches a stored recorded of all the sites which Google has discovered to date. This record is called the Google Index. To come up with the index, Google crawls the web using “spiders” which are small programs. Each of the spiders performs the same task by starting on a single page and following the links which connect to the other pages and so on.
An index is built by storing the web content which is crawled on the servers at Google. The spiders crawl trillions of pages at an incredible pace constantly at a mind-blowing scale. This serves to ensure an index which is as up to date as possible and the quick discovery of new connections and new sites which are added.
IF A WEBSITE IS NOT INDEXED ON Google it will not appear in Google search, ever. Getting your website indexed by Google is therefore a mandatory requirement for SEO. If you need help to get your website on Google search contact us.
When the internet was invented, the initial number of websites was very small and also the number of users was limited. It was therefore easy for users to navigate the internet and find what they were looking for. With the inevitable expansion of the internet, there were more users and more websites and search engines were invented to help users locate their desired content more easily.
After a phrase was typed into a search engine, a process in which it was matched to websites which included the required search phrase was initiated and all such websites subsequently identified. This is the same approach which Google uses, although Google went a step further when it introduced the process of using links between sites to determine the authority and trustworthiness of sites.
Nowadays, Google takes hundreds of factors into consideration both off the website and on the websites in order to determine the relevancy of a search result. Such factors are obtained by examining the company’s digital footprint and different weights are attached to the factors. These weighted factors are used to come up with a score which is used in compiling the search results. The digital footprint is an important factor in determining whether you appear as a top result for an enquiry typed by a user on Google.
How web hosting functions
Put simply, web hosting functions when the files which constitute a website are uploaded to a webserver from a local computer. The web hosting company thus allocates resources to the websites which use it i.e. storage space, RAM and bandwidth.
The type of hosting which is chosen determines the manner in which server resources are allocated to the website. Differentiating between the plans is a necessary first step before you select the hosting plan that is appropriate for you. It is not complicated at all. Let me use an analogy to help those who are nontechnical. It is just like how you select your office space!
How do you make the decision as to what office space is suitable for you? does a workstation work for you maybe, or do you need an office which offers business centre access? Are you going to have a lot of traffic and do you see yourself growing fast in the near future? Do you want the whole building to yourself or are you prepared to share?
Aside from the style of office you use there are other considerations. How easy the rooms are to access, which functions they offer (extras such as a whiteboard, high-speed internet, and other facilities), and where are they located and the overall cost. These considerations will determine your needs and help decide which type of office is right for you. Let’s compare this selection process to deciding which web hosting fits.
Shared Hosting
This is like leasing space in an open plan office, co-working space or renting a workstation, except you do not even know whom you are sharing with. All the modern conveniences are at your disposal including internet connection, desk and chair, stationery, office accessories, printers and restroom. The option of shared hosting most suits smaller websites rather than commercial projects undertaken on a large scale.
Virtual Private Server
A step up from shared hosting, a virtual private server is most suitable for medium sized businesses. Just in the same way in which medium sized businesses can benefit from having their own office in a business park virtual private server gives them greater flexibility and more control of their resource’s. Whilst neighbors are there, the dependency on them is negligible and there is room to customize your workspace and organize it the way you want.
Dedicated Server
Having a dedicated server is likened to renting an entire office complex to yourself. It is a rather pricey option and is chosen by high value websites which attach importance to high performance and reliability. Because the entire space is under control there are many more configurations which are possible.
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